A little statement from an article titled “Cash For Clunkers”: Did It Work? got me wondering about the fate of three hundred million dollars.
When the $3 billion is exhausted, roughly 600,000 vehicles will have been swapped for more fuel-efficient models, based on statistics released from the government so far.
Do the math there and we find that if every single “Cash for Clinkers” deal returned the maximum $4500 to the person trading their car in there was still another $500 paid by the government for the deal. For 600,000 cars that makes $300,000,000 that went into someones pocket. (This does not count any other hidden costs of the system which may never be revealed in losses to other businesses or interest paid by people who already had a working vehicle that they owned outright.) I’d like to know how much of it went to dealers, how much went to paying for the destruction of the “clunkers” and how much was government setting up a website and processing paperwork.
One thing is for sure, we have a huge double standard operating when insurance companies are considered greedy when 2% of their gross income is profit while government is considered efficient when only 10% of their cost goes directly to program overhead.
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