Author: David

  • Limited Government for the American Dream

    On Limited Government in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our situation as: The government is omnipresent in our lives, restricting our basic liberties. The proper role of government is a strictly limited one. We recognize that the States created the federal government. The federal government did not create the States. Further,…

  • Fiscal Discipline for the American Dream

    Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) has proposed a Congressional Action Plan (CAP) called the Contract for the American Dream which he is inviting members of Congress and candidates for Congress to sign. While I agree with his CAP generally I thought I would take the time to break out the four sections of the plan and…

  • Mike Lee and the Constitution

    I have been having a hard time getting the time to read and write here as much as I would like. Things are very busy at work, a bit crazy at home, and I am spending more time with offline political activities in preparation for the upcoming legislative session and this election cycle. The result…

  • Roll Your Own . . .

    photo credit: She Who Shall Not Be Named When I wrote about the importance of investing in yourself I was having trouble trying to find the words to convey what I meant. I finally found a way to explain what I mean so that nobody should be confused (I hope). Virtually every book on financial…

  • Bob Lonsberry Contradicts Himself on Term Limits

    It’s not really fair to expect everyone to have an up or down opinion on a candidate within a week of their campaign being announced. For that reason there should be nothing surprising about the fact that Bob Lonsberry is not sold on Mike Lee (yet). As he aired his minor reservations with our latest…

  • A New View on the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance

    photo credit: eschipul I had some interesting thoughts this morning after reading an article I would normally not bother to read. It was talking about a specific historical flag, but my thoughts were turned to the flag generally and then to the Pledge of Allegiance. Here’s the statement that got my brain moving: The flag…

  • Invest in Yourself

    photo credit: Cambodia Trust I drove in to work later than usual today and caught a bit of Glenn Beck. Like many conservative talk radio hosts I have heard he was promoting the value of gold as an investment. What caught my attention was the way he started out. I’m going to paraphrase here but…

  • New Year’s Resolution

    My New Year’s resolution for this election year is to be elected as a GOP state delegate in my neighborhood caucus meeting in March. It’s amazing to think that it’s only a few weeks away now. I can’t wait to see what all the candidates will have to send me as they try to win…

  • Public to Private is a One Way Economic Street

    photo credit: taberandrew A post entitled The New Robber Barons got me thinking about what happens when public and private enterprises compete in a marketplace. Thinking about that led to some interesting observations. The first of which is that progressives are right in their assertion that public and private enterprises can compete without eradicating each…

  • Term Limits in a Nutshell

    I read what must be the most succinct summary of the term limit debate over at Utah Policy. LaVarr Webb said: I am a big fan of congressional term limits if they are applied across the board. It would be foolish, however, for Utah to unilaterally impose term limits. As long as power in Congress…