Author: David

  • Constitutional Amendment 12

    After five presidential elections in which the second choice for president became the vice president, the nation decided to alter the presidential elections with the Twelfth Amendment. Prior to this amendment it was common for the president and the vice president to stand in opposition to each other as the strongest candidates in the election.…

  • George Washington’s Farewell Address

    I have always had great respect for George Washington, but in the cannon of political doctrine his Farewell Address should be considered equal to the doctrine of the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament and the prophecy in the book of Revelation in the New Testament. Washington himself boils down the topics of his…

  • Why Bob Bennett?

    I went to the organizing convention for the Utah Republican Party on Saturday. While I was there in the nidst of hundreds of people campaigning for candidates and causes among the state delegates I made a point to talk to a variety of people sporting Bob Bennett t-shirts. With four primary challengers at present it…

  • Economic Contradiction

    Paul Krugman and I agree on little politically (I have at times agreed with him when he was arguing that TARP was a bad idea – although we disagreed on the reasons why) and despite the fact that my assumptions about the nature of sound economics differ from his most of the time I recognize…

  • Hate Crime

    I keep thinking about the tragedy at the Holocaust Museum yesterday. I find it tragic and unfortunate that the security guard is the one who has died while the assailant is still alive. I have heard that authorities are considering whether this was a hate crime. Personally I think that it is painfully obvious that…

  • Constitutional Amendment 11

    The amendments in the Bill of Rights seem to be viewed by many people as part of the original constitution. It looks to me that later amendments can be categorized as either clarifications of the constitution or alterations to it. The Eleventh Amendment would fall under the category of clarification: The Judicial power of the…

  • Second Amendment Victory

    My appreciation for the second amendment just went up another notch. Opponents of gun ownership rights like to argue that guns kill people (for that matter so do hands, cars, T-bone steaks, and many other things) but they never mentioned that gun rights could also kill an illegal house seat for D.C.: Fights over gun…

  • Banks Giving Back

    While it is good news that 10 banks will be allowed to repay billions in bailout funds I would be much more excited if I didn’t already know what was likely to happen as a result. The banks were deemed strong enough to leave the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, after months of lobbying…

  • Online Conservative Desert

    I understand that it is a commonly held belief that the political left has more influence in online political activity than the political right. Now we have research by Richard Davis that sheds a bit of light on that. Davis also queried more than 200 journalists to learn how they use blog content in their…

  • Anti-Slavery Petition of 1790

    In my study of our founding documents I found this Petition from the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery, signed by Benjamin Franklin and published in 1790, to be rather interesting. In the Letter the society asks Congress: that you will be pleased to countenance the Restoration of liberty to {slaves}, that you will…