Category: culture

  • Undoing Past Progress

    I read two articles today in the New York Times today that got me thinking about how we are undoing the benefits that first made our country the place it was when I was growing up. The first article was about the increase in people in my age group without health insurance. I understand firsthand…

  • From the Pope

    The Pope has been visiting Germany and has had a few very interesting things to say. Here are a few little clips from an article about his visit where he says things with which I wholeheartedly agree. He also stressed the role of faith in fighting AIDS “by realistically facing its deeper causes,” indirectly confirming…

  • Unexpected Benefits

    You never know what unexpected benefits will arise from something which is good. Here is a good example related to Creative Commons licensing. Nobody could have predicted when creating an open licensing option, or when using one in publishing a book, that it would change the entire atmosphere of a U.S. Navy ship from “the…

  • Cell-Phone Culture

    Over the course of the last year I have become very aware of what I call our cell-phone culture. Let me preface my commentary by saying that I have nothing against cell phones. I used to have one, and the day may come when I have one again, but currently I do not have one.…

  • Which way does the safety net bulge?

    You know you have hit the big time when astute readers send you interesting articles. Okay, the truth is that it’s nice to have some extra eyes and ears out there to help me not to miss too much of the news that interests me. This story was definitely one of those items. The issue…

  • Bill Gates’ Speech

    Thanks to e-Clippings I read the text of Bill Gates’ Speech on America’s failing high schools. I can’t say that I am the biggest fan of Gates’ products, but his rhetoric here is exactly right and I think everyone should read it.

  • Conservation

    I was interested to read about Homesourcing and be reminded that I seem to be caught between two radical philosophies concerning conservation and energy independence. Radical not because they are unreasonable or extreme, but because they are so different from the most common proposals for energy independence. Homesourcing is really another name for tele-commuting, the…

  • Kernals of Truth

    In “It takes a whole village – or does it?” I see some strong truths expressed that the family is the basic unit of society, but there is also a kernel of truth in the saying “it takes a village.” The village in which I raise my children will have an effect on how they…

  • Upstanding

    I think that David has captured one of the keys to being a dependable voice in the blogosphere as he talks about childish behavior. One of the things that really tells me that a blogger is fair and civil in their discussions is when they can accept comments of disagreement without getting petulant or childish.…