Category: National

  • Income vs Consumption

    I found it fascinating to read You Are What You Spend to see how different the economic picture is depending on the way we measure economic position. . . . renewed attention is being given to the gap between the haves and have-nots in America. Most of this debate, however, is focused on the wrong…

  • Feeling Bloated

    As if the Republican party (thanks largely to the current administration) had not long ago lost any credibility to apply the “tax and spend” label to the Democrats, the American Enterprise Institute has now published a report on just how fat our favorite Elephant is. (hat tip Cato @ Liberty) Allowing for our military expenditures,…

  • Really Inevitable

    Of all the things that we don’t know about the outcome of this year’s election there is one outcome that would be dependable. If Clinton is elected we will see more news like this. Those who vehemently dislike the Clintons will continue to make comments that most of us consider inappropriate. When they do we…

  • Keeping the Race Alive

    Ever since Romney ended his bid for the Republican nomination I have seen much commentary on how Huckabee would need to end his bid soon to preserve his chances at being selected as the VP on the McCain ticket. I have seen one article suggesting the reverse. The logic is interesting and plausible: How can…

  • The Real Standings

    I can’t stand the way that the media has been talking up the Republican race is if it’s McCain’s to lose. The facts point to a race that is far from decided and less favorable to McCain than the news lets on. The current delegate counts are 97 for McCain and 92 for Romney with…

  • Primary Season

    The New York Times has a prime example of voters approaching elections the wrong way: Senator John McCain has long aroused almost unanimous opposition from the leaders of the right. Accusing him of crimes against conservative orthodoxy like voting against a big tax cut and opposing a federal ban on same-sex marriage, conservative activists have…

  • A Voters Guide

    I know everyone has been waiting anxiously for me to offer a voters guide to Utah’s presidential primary next week. Here it is. First and most importantly – go vote. Even if you have no particular interest in politics you should get into the habit of participating in this “government by the people.” Second –…

  • And Then There Were Two (Each)

    The results of Florida’s primary have functionally whittled the Republican field to two candidates. no longer is there the possibility that Giuliani will suddenly jump back into the front runners circle. No matter what other candidates may hang around there are really only two candidates among the Republicans – Romney and McCain – who have…

  • Democratic Primary Done Right

    Congratulations to Barack Obama – hands down the best candidate among the Democrats. This is what all the democratic contests should look like.

  • Nobody Seems Impressed

    I chuckled as I returned to an article from early December by Paul Krugman about how: In past financial crises — the stock market crash of 1987, the aftermath of Russia’s default in 1998 — the Fed has been able to wave its magic wand and make market turmoil disappear. But this time the magic…