Category: politics

  • Rigging Universal Health Coverage

    Devising a system of universal health coverage in Utah is a high priority for our governor (I’d say it’s second to expanding our state economy). As usual, Scott is pointing out the glaring flaws in the approach the governor is taking.

  • Party Shenanigans

    I would think that people who are politically involved enough to be elected as delegates and precinct chairs for the Republican party would want to be contacted by candidates so that they could choose who they would support. That is at odds with the assertion that the Utah County Republican Party promised not to give…

  • Join the Game

    When we recognize that most “news” is really entertainment it’s easy to see that politics is really a sport. John Florez is absolutely right in saying It’s time we all join the game and back some rookies. Assuming that more people actually join the game sometime before election day John suggests: Maybe this time voters…

  • Sitting Out the Final Period

    Seeing all the recent commentary on the Democratic Primary contest I have seen the pattern of less and less substantive discussion and more and more trash talk (by trash talk I’m not referring to the tone of the “discussion” but rather the way that it looks just like trash talk in sports – it has…

  • Thwarted

    I had planned on participating in last night’s caucus meetings, but life intervened and I was not able to. That being said, I am still interested to learn what happened in those caucus meetings for my precinct (Lehi-08). I would love to know the outcome of the Republican and Democratic caucuses, especially the Democratic caucus…

  • Bill Clinton Endorses Obama

    I chuckled at the NBC report that Bill Clinton said the following about a general election campaign between Hillary Clinton and John McCain: “I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country,”…

  • A Timely Request

    Kip, at the Wide Middle, invites others to share Questions for the Candidates. This comes the very day that I have a question that I would ask any congressional candidate. What part, or parts of the Change Congress movement would you pledge to support (if any). The four principles of the movement are that: Candidates…

  • High Priced Entertainment

    I have to say that SUPERDELL events sound very entertaining. Fear not, my fundraising events will be worth their ticket if merely for entertainment value to the sceptics:). We are going to have some serious fun in Utah. I’m already working on my first event. I’m looking for acrobatic aircraft, base jumpers, powered skydiving pilots,…

  • Anti Universal Coverage

    This came along before I started reading the Cato blog regularly but I am definitely a member of The Anti-Universal Coverage Club. Health policy should focus on making health care of ever-increasing quality available to an ever-increasing number of people. “Universal coverage” could be achieved only by forcing everyone to buy health insurance or by…

  • Open Congress

    It becomes more and more clear each day how powerful the internet can be as a tool to improve our political process by enabling citizens to be informed. A great example of that is The purpose of the site is to provide information on bills and members of congress. It only took me about…