Tag: connections
Liberal No More
What happens when a lifetime of experience gets processed in a period of introspection and begins to overwhelm a long held youthful idealism? David Mamet comes up with this: What about the role of government? Well, in the abstract, coming from my time and background, I thought it was a rather good thing, but tallying…
Proud To Pay My Share
I liked the sentiments expressed by Chad at UtahOpinions about paying a fair share for government. It’s easy to accuse those who advocate for smaller government of being stingy, selfish, or just not wanting to work for the best good of society, but many people feel like this: Believe it or not I am proud…
No Good Delegate Answer for DNC
With the debate over the role of super-delegates and the delegates from Florida and Michigan in choosing their nominee, the Democratic Party finds itself in a no-win situation. Without the unpleasant idea that the super-delegates might have to publicly buck the democratic primary voters to give the nomination to Senator Clinton, we would not hear…
Mapping Politics
Thanks to the observations and perspective of Obi wan Liberali I think I can accurately place some political parties on my 2 dimensional political spectrum. Not only can I place the labels for our two major parties and some other political philosophies but I would also go on to say that the Republican party (GOP)…
Political Spectrum
I liked the discussion over at KVNU’s For The People about how labels can be misleading regarding someone’s political philosophy. As always, there are quizzes to help someone figure out their own philosophy. KVNU linked to The Political Compass. Another popular one is Worlds Smallest Political Quiz. I’ve seen both of them before, but it’s…
Pre-Fix Winners and Losers
Over at the Washington Post political blog – The Fix – Chris Cillizza always does a Winners and Losers post after every debate. While he’s tied up with the Democratic debate I thought I’d beat him to the punch on the Republican side for tonight’s debate. WINNERS Mitt Romney: The fact that every other candidate…
From two very different sources today I was pointed toward two very similar views regarding our overly materialistic society. Misty Fowler linked to Winning the Rat Race by Quitting it: We are a country obsessed with consumption, which would be fine if we seemed to be fulfilled getting bigger TVs but having less time to…
Term Limits
I asked what people were interested in and the interest seemed to be term limits. I decided to do some initial research and found a good resource on term limits. The states that currently have term limits are: ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO FLORIDA LOUISIANA MAINE MICHIGAN MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA OHIO OKLAHOMA SOUTH DAKOTA In…
After We Vote
One of the greatest things about our country is what happens after we vote. Rarely is there any large shouting about unfairness – calls of “they stole the election.” Most commonly the prevailing attitude among those who continue to be active after the vote is summed up by the question that Jesse asked, “So now…
Congress – Do Something
A month into the fiscal year and Congress has not presented an appropriations bill for the President to sign because they don’t care enough about making things work when there are accusations to be flung, fights to pick (like SCHIP), and post offices to be named. The New York Times takes issue with the fact…