Tag: Supreme Court

  • Public vs Private Companies

    At what point in the pursuit of profit do individuals diminish or forego their right to religious expression in their business activities? To answer that ask: who owns the corporation?

  • U.S. and CA Supreme Court News

    The news came last week that the California Supreme Court would issue their ruling related to Proposition 8 so I expected to have a reaction to that news today. I saw news this morning that President Obama would make his nomination for a new judge to replace Justice Souter – that news surprised me. Obama…

  • Federalist Nos. 80 – 83

    Some of the items of discussion in the federalist papers are so obvious that I must conclude that the purpose of these papers was not onyl to answer critics of the proposed constitution, but also to endeavor to generally educate those who had not considered the necessities of government in order that they might make…

  • Judicial Appointment

    Yesterday I wrote about the president’s power to nominate people for important positions in government. Today we get the news that Justice David Souter will be retiring.  (This is doubly convenient as the remaining federalist papers deal with the judicial branch of our government.) I don’t intend to speculate on who the president will nominate…

  • FOCA

    My sister-in-law suggested that her generally apolitical blog was not the place to engage in a  debate on abortion. She’s probably right, but such a debate fits just fine here. In many ways the debate on abortion is settled. An absolute ban on abortion is not likely to ever be a reality in this nation…

  • The Irony of Supressing Votes

    I find it rather funny that we have such a fuss being raised about laws requiring voters to show ID at the polls that a case has to be heard by the Supreme Court on the issue. What strikes me is that: if we had more voters voting, whatever fraud the voter ID laws are…

  • Nomination and Confirmation

    Well, we’ve had the name of John Roberts as the niminee for the opening on the Supreme Court bench for a couple of days now. I have tried to give myself some time to gather some information and draw some conclusions before I posted my thoughts in this nomination. The main questions were: (1)should John…