
John McCain

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As with all of the major candidates, my evaluation of John McCain simmered in the back of my mind for a long time. The roller-coaster of my feelings about his candidacy was hardly unusual. I have long liked the fact that McCain seems to be functionally independent of his party affiliation. As the campaign season matured I was disappointed to see more positions which seemed calculated to appeal to the base rather than driven by independent common sense. I have come to the conclusion now that my disappointment was driven by personal disagreement with the positions.

I believe that McCain chooses his positions based on personal conviction even when they are unpopular. There is a consistency in his message between those things that appear to be party-driven and those things that appear more independent. I think that it is his party that has walked a crooked line while McCain was holding fast to his personal convictions.

Seeing that, it became easy for me to endorse John McCain for President.


Bob Jackson

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Well, I decided to tackle a second endorsement today because some endorsements are very easy to go and find a candidate who should not be endorsed. I expected that to be the case again today. After looking into Bob Jackson again (a commenter pointed me towards him some time ago) I was looking for reasons not to endorse him. I don’t think his chances of winning are even worth considering. As I thought about it I realized that I had no substantial reason to not endorse him. He understands the system and knows what he would like to do. I finally went back to review the criteria I had made for giving endorsements and found that Bob qualifies for my endorsement.

I think he could do a good job if he were President and I think he deserves votes.


Mitt Romney

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In search for a candidate who understands the need for smaller government? Mitt Romney fits that description. He is publicly committed to not raising taxes, and to finding ways to cut spending. He believes that we can solve some of the same issues that others have used to call for raising taxes, or rolling back tax cuts, without increasing spending. As governor of Massachusetts he used his veto power against excessive spending. The question is, if he were President would he be more effective with his vetoes than he was as Governor – where every spending issue he vetoed was overridden by the legislature.

That could be used to dampen my enthusiasm for Mitt, but I overlook that in the face of his track record of getting things done in business and government settings. He was successful in business before he was called upon to salvage the 2002 Olympic Games – which he did quite well. After the Olympics he served as Governor of Massachusetts where he was successful in implementing a statewide universal health care initiative, even if he was not able to make his veto stick to other spending items.

With core values that generally appeal to me and a record for getting things done in everything he has set his hand to, I find it easy to endorse Mitt Romney for President.


Barack Obama

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It’s been a long time in coming, but I have finally managed to finish my homework on Barack Obama. This is a man who is full of ideas. One of his challenges is that many wonder what he can really do in Washington DC as a relative outsider. That is a question that can never be fully answered about any candidate until they have taken the office they are seeking. Barring that sure answer, I like the ideas presented by Senator Obama. He is secure in his ideals, but he is not locked into a partisan mindset.

Two things from his website really excited me this week. First, his site gave the most fitting response to the events at Viginia Tech – the whole page was black with a simple statement of condolences from the senator. All the mainstream media should have been so sensitive. Second, very prominent in the issues section of his website is an invitation for anyone to submit ideas for discussion and policy consideration. I encourage everyone who has ideas about how this country should be run, whether you like Senator Obama or not, to go submit your ideas and discuss the other ideas that have been presented. Use pseudonyms if you want, but I think that any leader (of any party) who would honestly accept and use ideas generated through such a participatory process would make an effective leader for our nation.
I definitely endorse Barack Obama for President. I believe that he has the right qualities that we should be looking for in a president.


Rudy Giuliani

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Another surprise in the endorsements. Before doing my homework I did not expect to find Rudy Giuliani to have good potential as a president. I knew that there were some positions he held which were not consistent with my own views though I do not expect to endorse only candidates whose views fully parallel mine. If I did, I would have to endorse nobody unless I was running – which I can’t quite yet and don’t dream of even when I can.

I found that Giuliani’s views are generally pragmatic which matches the mood of most voters despite any ideological views being espoused by some vocal people. He certainly has the experience of governing and facing tough problems. In short, I endorse Rudy Giuliani.


Political Prognostication

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A random train of thought today brought me to a very interesting destination. Let me preface this by saying that I am not among the ranks of those who would have anyone but Hillary for President although I have no intention of voting for her at this time. For all those in the anyone-but-Hillary camp here’s a hopeful prediction. This is the one and only real chance that Hillary will have to become President of the United States. If she is not elected in 2008 she would be facing an incumbent in 2012. Beating an incumbent president would be much harder than winning what is essentially an open seat in 2008 – unless the next Republican president was as unpopular as George W. Bush has become.

If she were to lose the Democratic nomination and the Democratic nominee were elected she would not even have a chance in 2012 (unless she were to become a Republican -which will never happen) and by 2016 she is unlikely to have the kind of support that she has enjoyed during the last decade. Also by 2016 she will be 68 years old which is older than nearly all the presidents we have ever had. So in reality this is her only real shot at moving back into the White House.

The other side to this story is that if Hillary were to be elected in 2008 she would be a very safe bet to serve two terms because she is smart enough politically to avoid any mistakes which would make her particularly vulnerable as an incumbent.

So my prediction is that Hillary will be President from 2008 – 2016 or else she will never be President.


Joe Biden

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Before I started learning about Joe and his presidential run he was just a name to me. As I studied him and his positions I found a candidate who has lots of experience in our national government. In his own life he has gained sad experience of losing his wife and a child to an accident and subsequently living as a single parent for some time. This experience seems to have given him an appreciation of the hardships that many people face.

On the issues, Joe has a plan for Iraq that deserves to be implemented even before the presidential elections. I think it is the kind of plan we should have had all along because it appears to recognize the realities of that region. In other areas Joe sounds like a pragmatist who recognizes the challenges which we face and that easy answers are hard to come by. Indeed his position on health care, that it is a problem in which we can use the experience of individual states that have tried to tackle the issue, sounds like exactly the kinds of government that we need more of – rather than trying to tackle everything from the federal level only to discover that we are creating one monolithic disaster of bureaucracy after another.

I endorse Joe Biden for President


Sam Brownback

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Sam Brownback is a candidate who leaves no confusion on where he stands. His positions are clear and basically independent of what is or is not popular. I believe that we need a person with strong convictions to lead our nation and in most cases I find that my convictions are compatible with his. My two concerns wtih his candidacy are:

  1. His positions may be used by his opponents to create another divisive vote, which we do not need. He recognizes this, and I believe he sincerely hopes that it will not be the case.
  2. He may turn out to be another Tom Visack – an excellent candidate who finds it impossible to raise money sufficient to compete in an expensive race against other candidates who are more widely known. I hope to be proven wrong, just as I hoped to be proven wrong with Tom.

Despite these drawbacks, I must endorse Brownback for President because he would be the kind of man who would lead with conviction in the direction of some much needed solutions to many of our current problems.


Candidate Announcements

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This 2008 election is already shaping up to be a different animal from previous presidential elections as far as how campaigns are run and how the media is involved. Over at Oval Office 2008 comes the suggestion that a candidate could make “an announcement previewing his pre-announcement of his intent to announce that he will announce.” I’d say that pretty well covers our news coverage of presidential candidates. That caused me to chuckle because those who follow politics pretty well know who is (or will be) running and those who don’t follow politics almost certainly don’t care this far in advance. The only reason I care about the announcements is that I use that (or rather, the formal FEC filing that goes with it) as the line of demarcation between those I study for endorsement and those I don’t.


Goodbye Tom

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I have been so busy with work lately that I just barely looked at the news for the first time this week. I was disappointed to learn that Tom Vilsack has abandoned his bid for the presidency. Tom was the first candidate to enter the race and the first that I endorsed. His reason for leaving – too much focus on money in the campaigning. With a much lower profile than many of the other candidates, he could not raise enough money to fund the kind of accelerated campaigns we are seeing.

I hope that, if Tom is willing, some candidate will be wise enough to choose him as a running mate. In fact, I think candidates from outside his party would do well to consider him. (I know I’m going out on a limb there, but politics as usual is not helping us.)