National State

Senator Bennett Breakfast

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I went to the breakfast conversation with Senator Bennett in Bountiful this morning before work. Overall I have to say that I am more impressed with the senator after meeting him than before I had met him. Having said that, here are a couple of things I took away from the meeting.

There were very few people at the meeting younger than the senator’s campaign manager (his son) – I counted 5 including myself. I know how hard it can be to cut into a work schedule to participate in a political event like this, but we really do need more people under 35 being more actively involved in politics if we are to penetrate the echo chamber of candidates who have cultivated decades-long relationships with one segment of the population.

One young gentleman there asked a question based on a quote that the Sentaor had referenced from Newt Gingrich:

Walmart does not get ahead by attacking Sears, but by offering better value than Sears.

This young man asked Senator Bennett what value he had to offer us as constituents. Predictably, but disappointingly, Senator Bennett had nothing to offer except seniority. He either does not recognize, or would hate to admit that his seniority is virtually useless now and that if we replace him in 2010 we can have a new senator gaining seniority while the party is out of power in preparation for the time when the Democrats have less than 51 votes again. If we give him another six years we will be electing a new senator in 2016 or possibly as late as 2022 when he will likely no longer have the physical capacity to represent us – and when some seniority would more likely have real value.

I got to talk to the senator after the conversation was officially over and ask my first question for any candidate – what are the two or three most important job functions of the position you are seeking? His answers were – in order:

  1. Try to see the future clearly.
  2. Listen to constituents.
  3. Do your homework.

If I were grading those answers (and I am here) the senator failed a very elementary question. Passing answers would have had the primary job function of a senator as being to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." After that the order of answers might vary somewhat from one person to another but I would have the next one as "communicate with constituents" (that’s communication both ways).

The senator said at the breakfast that a new senator could do nothing more than offer fiery speeches on the Senate floor and that many people in Utah would like that. I think he underestimates the people of Utah and the potential of a new senator. We need someone who has the Constitution at the center of their job description. Such a person can still work with others to do more than offer fiery speeches.


Huntsman for Senate (2012)

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After receiving more than 75% of the vote on Tuesday Huntsman has to be considered the person most able to oust Orrin Hatch when he comes up for re-election.

Huntsman said he hopes he can build "coalitions" with willing legislators from both political parties to achieve what he believes must be done. "Not running again (for governor) means no political game-playing — but doing what is right for all Utahns," he said.

The fact that he has promised not to seek a third term (and reiterated that promise) combined with the fact that McCain is not going to the White House means that he will be looking for something to do when this term expires. I’d love to see another popular Republican who would take on Hatch to refresh our senate representation with a Utahn (Hatch can barely find Utah on a map – his politics are all Washington).

Now we just need someone to run against Sen. Bennett in 2010. Perhaps Steve Urquart could do that now that he won’t have to worry about his own re-election in 2010.