Christmas Present

My wife surprised me for Christmas this year by giving me a pocket edition of the Constitution (which also contained the Articles of Confederation, the Annapolis Convention, the Massachusetts Bill of Rights, the Virginia Statute on Religious Liberty, and various other documents) – I was very excited. This morning I was at Lowe’s talking with an employee there who asked me what I got for Christmas. When I told her that I got a pocket edition of the Constitution she paused for a second before responding, "Is that what you wanted?"

Sometimes the only thing I would like more than that would be to have the ability to give a copy of the Constitution to every voter who has not already read it.





4 responses to “Christmas Present”

  1. Obi wan liberali Avatar

    This Constitution thingy of which you speak. Tell me more about it. 😉

    Thanks David for providing your insights during 2008. I haven’t always commented on your posts, but I have read them. Sometimes there was nothing left to add.

    Keep it up for I cannot.

    1. David Avatar

      I hope the day will come again when you can return to posting your own original content. The left (that would be the dark side here in Utah 😉 ) has lost a powerful ally.

  2. Reach Upward Avatar

    The gift of a copy of the Constitution would be nice. Even nicer would be if those receiving the gift actually read it. It’s works the same way with the scriptures.

    When my son was competing in the National Academic League, he had to memorize the main purpose of each article and section of the Constitution. During competition the players would frequently get questions relating to these things. While most junior high (or even college) students can’t even tell you what the three main branches of government are, NAL players learn much more detailed stuff pretty deeply. A pursuit like that would be good for any American.

    1. David Avatar

      True, the only value of giving a copy of the Constitution to someone who did not then read it would be the opportunity for me to share my views on how important it would be (assuming that my views are shared as the gift is presented).

      I really like the sounds of what your son did as part of the National Academic League.

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