The funny thing about expectations is that they can serve to motivate our actions. I had held an expectation for myself that I would write daily (or almost daily) on all weekdays. It was hard at times to find things to write about and even harder to write anything of substance (as evidenced by some periods of very insubstantial posting). Once I decided that I should reset that expectation to only writing once or twice a week hiwever, I almost immediately stopped writing for more than two weeks. I consider that lack of discipline unacceptable.
I think this is especially disappointing to find such a lack of contribution in the middle of the legislative session—I could have at least commented on some bills such as the rainwater bill (which I favored) and the administrative subpoenas bill (which I opposed).
While I know that I am not able to maintain the daily posing schedule that I had previously expected I also know that my very thinking begins to atrophy if I give up posting altogether.
I have yet to find the proper balance but I am working on it and hope that I. will still have people interested in reading and responding to what I write by the time I find the proper balance.
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