Category: National

  • Why We Vote “No”

    Two weeks ago I suggested that our tendency as voters is to vote against the subject of any given election. This morning my brain supplied me with a possible explanation as to why that might be. Scott Hinrichs has written on various occasions about the fact that we expect more from our president than could…

  • American Debt is No Accident

    The fact that Americans have allowed themselves to be led down the rosy path of false economic hopes for a rosy tomorrow – where we can borrow now for anything we want with no thought for the fact that we are paying more by mortgaging our futures all the time – is not surprising. What…

  • One Subject at a Time

    Today I would like to introduce’s “One Subject at a Time Act” Most Americans probably believe a bill has to have majority support in Congress before it can become the law of the land. Sadly, this common sense expectation is totally wrong. Congressional leaders routinely pass laws that a majority opposes. believes every…

  • Who Are You Voting Against?

    I really wish I could find the article I glanced at yesterday postulating that the presidential race is not looking like a blowout for Obama because the contest has been framed as a referendum on Obama rather than a referendum on Bush and the Republican party. The thought that struck me is that when an…

  • Eight of 440

    For anyone who argued that the actions of Texas CPS were justified back in April, it is telling that two more months of investigations have authorities asking for 8 children to be returned to state custody. Out of 440 children taken originally that works out to 1 in 55 or less than 2%. By my…

  • Established Patterns

    After a week on vacation it is nice to have a bit of a fresh perspective on life. We are entering a month where we have to close on our old house in Lehi and our new house in Bountiful so there will be plenty to do. Having taken some time off I am ready…

  • Useful Denunciations

    An interesting article on the European enthusiasm toward Barack Obama had this little gem of a thought in it: If Obama follows the sort of race-conscious policies he has faithfully supported for the last quarter century . . . then racial divisions will continue and perhaps sharpen. If he is true to the “post-racial” rhetoric…

  • Republic of California

    51% of California voters surveyed said they would oppose Proposition 8. I suppose it’s too much to hope that some seismic activity causes California to break off from the rest of North America and convinces the people of California to declare independence. They could be the 21st century equivalent of Texas.

  • Ambitious Pronouncement

    I’ve already stated that I believe the goal of using only energy from clean, renewable sources is attainable but I think the Green Prophet might be getting ahead of himself. {Al Gore} said the goal of producing all of the nation’s electricity from “renewable energy and truly clean, carbon-free sources” within 10 years is not…

  • Raising Fiscal Awareness

    Considering the importance of importance of fiscal policy it seems to evade any serious media coverage in favor of more exciting topics. Ross Perot has launched to make the information accessible to people. Former Comptroller General, David Walker, has been lecturing around the country about the cliff we are speeding towards and now Peter…