Constitutional Amendment 19

Some amendments are so obvious now that they need no comment.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any States on account of sex.

Some states had allowed women to vote long before 1920 and been stopped by the federal government. Now, in a day where I have seen calls to lower the voting age to 16, the only question on this subject that we have to ask ourselves is where to draw the line.





6 responses to “Constitutional Amendment 19”

  1. Krista Norton Avatar

    I've actually been thinking about this lately; not sure where I saw it (although I'm pretty sure it was something by Bastiat), but the idea of universal suffrage isn't necessarily all that swell – particularly where it may concern minors, whose neurological logic centers aren't even fully developed yet, LOL.I've started to really question the wisdom of encouraging (allowing?) everyone to vote, but that's heresy in this country. I'm concerned hat increasing the potential influence of an ignorant mob isn't the most judicious course of action. But then we have the question of who determines "ignorance"…

  2. David Avatar

    I've been down that avenue of thought myself – wish I had some answers – although I'm confident that I don't think we should have 16 year olds voting – that opens too many trapdoors. When we lowered the age to 18 it was because they were already expected to shoulder the burden of citizenship (draft). I'd hate to lower it to 16 and then have that as excuse to lower the age for drinking, smoking, and serving in the military.

  3. Scott Miller Avatar

    I agree with the concept that those whose neurological centers that are not fully developed should not be allowed to vote. Unfortunately, most of those people already have the right to vote. Maybe the wisdom of the children would be better for most of us.

  4. Krista Norton Avatar

    As long as we made the age ceiling like, 5, it might work! 😉

  5. David Avatar

    No, then some of my kids would never get to vote . . .

  6. Krista Norton Avatar

    LOL… on this note, isn't one of the dire predictions from scripture about the last days that "children shall rule them?" I think we're there…

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