Category: National
If McCain Were President
photo credit: Wigwam Jones After another year of domestic turmoil and political shenanigans, a year of watching President Obama in office rather than out on the campaign trail, I find myself frequently having the thought “if only McCain had been elected President instead.” The thought came again today but unlike previous times I feel like…
Reality Bites
photo credit: erin m Before the health care vote even started candidates and elected officials opposed to this atrocious excuse for health care reform were pledging to repeal it if passed. They have asked citizens to support those who are willing to repeal this bill. When it passed they renewed their pledge. That’s great on…
Don’t Rely on the Altruism of Baby Boomers
David Brooks must have thought yesterday was April Fools Day – that or he thinks he’s getting old so he decided to pen a column painting a rosy picture for seniors by coming to a senile conclusion. In The Geezers’ Crusade he comes to this wildly impossible conclusion: It now seems clear that the only…
Marionette Bob Bennett
photo credit: © Giorgio While candidate Mike Lee acted like a senator on the issue of confirming Ben Bernanke for another term as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Bob Bennett acted like a marionette under the control of the mystical wizard of Washington D.C. With a short press release and a predictable vote, our…
Change I Could Believe In
photo credit: jasoneppink Back in October I wrote about the dangers of a crisis mentality and tried to show that the abuse of crisis was not a one-party trait. I see that Will Wilkinson did a better job of showing that this month in Let the next crisis go to waste: The Aughts began in…
Strong National Defense for the American Dream
Regarding strong national defense in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz reminds us: The men and women serving in our armed forces are the best in the world. They can accomplish anything they are asked to do, if they are given the proper resources and clear rules of engagement. He believes that we…
Accountability for the American Dream
As far as Accountability in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our sitation as: Americans have lost confidence in their elected leaders and the direction of the country as a whole. We are being governed by a “nanny state” mentality that is blanketing the country with the misconception that the government can…
Limited Government for the American Dream
On Limited Government in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our situation as: The government is omnipresent in our lives, restricting our basic liberties. The proper role of government is a strictly limited one. We recognize that the States created the federal government. The federal government did not create the States. Further,…
Fiscal Discipline for the American Dream
Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) has proposed a Congressional Action Plan (CAP) called the Contract for the American Dream which he is inviting members of Congress and candidates for Congress to sign. While I agree with his CAP generally I thought I would take the time to break out the four sections of the plan and…
Reid Has a Moment of Sanity
I was very surprised when reading about the results of the Senate vote on health care. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., initially cast a “no” vote. The explanation we are given is that he was exhausted – which makes sense considering the amount of all-night negotiations and arm-twisting that he has been doing recently.…